
Each year, our Year 13 students give thousands of hours of their time as volunteers in our community as part of our Students in the Community programme. In keeping with our school value of aroha, all Year 13 students give their time and skills to make a difference in the community. Students undertake weekly placements and short-term projects in a variety of areas across our community and also at community organisations such as the MINT Charitable Trust, Kahu Youth Trust, Volunteer South, WAI Wānaka, Food for Love, the NZ Mountain Film Festival, Community Networks, Wānaka Library, Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust, primary and pre-schools, and various sports and cultural clubs.


The programme allows students to:
• establish and build connections within our local community
• increase their knowledge and confidence in their personal abilities
• acquire certificates and references for résumés
• experience a sense of achievement through helping people in the community.

More information

For more information, please contact programme coordinator Jo Kitto via email: