
In today’s globally connected world, proficiency in another language can offer many benefits. Learning a second language allows us to communicate with a wider range of people, experience a deeper appreciation of other cultures, enhance our cognitive skills, and develop a valuable skill that can contribute to career advancement. At MAC, we offer both Spanish and Te Reo Māori as subjects, with all students in Years 7 and 8 taking Te Reo Māori and Spanish for a term and all students in Year 9 continuing with Te Reo Māori. From Year 10, students have the option to continue their language studies through to Level 3 in Year 13.

Māori performing arts

As part of our Languages learning area, we also offer subjects in Māori performing arts. This course content looks at whakapapa through pūrakau (traditional origins), and customs of performing arts from moteatea, poi, waiata a-ringa, haka and the art of warfare and mau rakau (weaponry – ti rakau, titi torea, hapai rakau, taiaha, patu). The course also covers the role of male and female kaea (leaders), biographies of important composers, the revitalisation of te reo Māori, and the renaissance of kapa haka and its place in Māori culture and society. Across the junior years, students will learn a full performance bracket that includes distinctive Ngai Tahu components.

View our course guide

View our course guide to learn more about our Language and Māori performing arts subjects.