We encourage our students to develop their leadership skills through engagement in all aspects of life at our school. Through a range of academic, artistic, sporting, cultural and service-oriented activities, our students can discover more about themselves and their capacity to lead. We believe that leadership is not a title or a badge, but is the way students behave every day: as role models, making people feel welcome, getting involved, and trying their very best. We encourage our students to challenge themselves through organising activities, staging events, and speaking at assemblies, so they can build their leadership skills and share with others what is important to them.

Leadership positions

Our students nominate themselves for leadership positions at the college. There are a number of different leadership positions available to our senior students, while junior students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through their involvement in different aspects of college life.

Peer Support leaders

This leadership opportunity is for Years 12 and 13 students (they apply when they are in Years 11 and 12). The  Peer Support programme aims to forge strong relationships between senior and junior students, where older students act as role models to provide guidance and support to those who are just beginning their high school experience. Senior students volunteer for this role, and must be willing to organise activities for Year 7 students and be a mentor for them. The Deans of each house determine which students will be peer support leaders.

House leaders

There are two leaders for each of our four houses. The Deans select house leaders who show commitment to whānau and are good role models for other students.

Committee leaders

Our student-led committees provide leadership in the following areas: academic, arts, culture, service, sport, sustainability, and wellbeing. The committees provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership capabilities and demonstrate what our school values look like in practice. Each committee is mentored and supported by a member of our teaching team, and has up to two student leaders. Students self-nominate to be on a committee, and the teacher-in-charge of the committee selects leader/s who are good role models and have shown commitment to the committee in the past.

Head Students

Four students are selected each year. The selection is based on an interview, staff and student polling, and the balance of the team based on the students’ interests and areas of involvement at the college. Students must be excellent role models and be able to work collaboratively as part of a team. The Principal, along with a Deputy Principal, and either a Dean or a Head of Learning, make the final decision.

Student Executive

The student executive is a group made up of the college’s head students, the student leaders of each of the committees, and the student representative on the School Board. The group meets weekly with members of the college’s senior leadership team and provides a valuable link between our students and the senior leadership. The meetings also help to coordinate the activities of the committees.

Our head students for 2025

Our head students for 2025 are Ania-Kanu Saklani, Charlie Roy, Ryan Enoka, and Lucy Radford.