

Kapa haka

Kapa haka is an important part of cultural life at our school giving students from all year levels the chance to build connections with each other and experience te reo Māori and tikanga while having fun. This powerful combination of waiata, haka, and pūrakau gives our students a chance to develop their personal skills within a group context and contribute to important school and community events through their performance of the kapa haka.

Cultural Committee

Our members

Sacha Swanson
Ryan Enoka
Isaiah Chin-Nyika
Arenyo Emasu
Cameron Armstrong

Alice Chaly
Toby Brown
Matilda van Urquhart
Eva Huggett

Support teachers: Candace Carroll and Raihania Chadwick

Our focus

  • ensuring that all cultures are understood and celebrated at MAC and that all students' backgrounds are valued

Our achievements

  • Matariki
  • House haka
  • Te wiki o te reo Māori
  • whānau hui