When we work together to support our students, we can be much more effective in helping them make smart and informed choices. We have developed these resources to provide you with useful information about some of the challenges our students face. Please contact us if you have any concerns about a student in your care as we have a team of experts ready to help.

Information sheet: bullying

We know from research that a coordinated and collaborative approach is the best way to respond to bullying. When the school community, students, staff and whānau work together to address bullying, we are more likely to see positive behaviour change. Download this information sheet to learn more about bullying, the signs to watch out for that may indicate your child is being bullied, and how we deal with bullying at our school.  

Information sheet: restorative practice

The Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) restorative practice model focuses on building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships across the school community. We use a restorative practice approach in a range of situations, including when dealing with negative behaviours such as bullying, and in response to conflict between students. Download this information sheet to learn more about restorative practice and how it works at our school. 

Information sheets: attendance

Research has found that regular school attendance leads to better student achievement, enhanced wellbeing, and improved lifelong outcomes. If you are having trouble getting your child to attend school, please get in touch with us so we can come up with a plan to support your child. Download the following fact sheets to learn more about school attendance: Regular attendance at school, Signs a child might be losing interest in school, and Mythbusters

Information sheet: sleep

Sleep is vital in supporting healthy development of the body and mind, and research has found that a teenager needs between eight and ten hours of sleep every night. Download this information sheet to learn more about the importance of sleep. 

Information sheet: risk-taking behaviour

Taking risks and trying new things are essential for young people so they can discover who they are, build important life skills, and prepare themselves for adulthood. However, risk-taking behaviour can be both positive and negative and while the teenage brain can recognise risk, it can sometimes struggle to determine whether a risk is positive or negative. Download this information sheet to learn more about teenage risk-taking behaviour and how together we can promote positive risk taking.

Information sheet: vaping

Vaping is a communal activity for young people that can create a sense of belonging. At Mount Aspiring College, we take a preventative approach to managing vaping. In Health Education studies, we focus on educating our students about risk taking, peer pressure and making positive choices. Download this information sheet to learn more about vaping and how together we can help our students make informed and positive choices.

Information sheet: online safety

The internet is a valuable tool for learning, connecting and being entertained, but it also poses safety risks. Download this information sheet to learn more about how we promote online safety at school and how you can help protect your child from the risks associated with being online. 

Information sheet: social media

Today’s teens are the first generation to grow up never having known a world without a smartphone. While social media allows young people to form and maintain friendships online, find community, and share information, there are risks. Download this information sheet to learn more about how we manage the use of devices at school and how you can help protect your child from the risks associated with social media. 

Path Wānaka | Ara ki Wānaka: Upper Clutha Youth Voice Survey report 2023

The Upper Clutha Youth Voice Survey, a bi-annual survey which began in 2016, tracks the activities of local young people, including their use of harmful substances. The 2023 survey was sent to 560 young people aged 11 to 24, resulting in 181 valid responses from Mount Aspiring College students. You can read the full report, including the survey findings, on the Path Wānaka website.