

All Māori students are encouraged to seek out what funding is offered specifically through their iwi. There are many iwi that will support whānau with essentials such as: school uniforms, computers, in times of financial hardship, swimming lessons, drivers licence, in areas of science or merit/excellence endorsement.

Scholarships and grants

Term 1

Term 4


Te Korowai o te Mātauranga 

This is a special award available to a student who has demonstrated leadership and made a significant contribution to Māori culture at the college.  

Te Ūkaipo Award

This award is available to a Year 8 to 12 student with little or no connection to their marae to build connections and understanding of whakapapa through connecting to their marae and hapū.

Mana Pounamu

This award recognises and celebrates the achievement of rakatahi Māori across Otago/Southland. The recipient of this award is encouraged and supported to participate in further tertiary study and to nurture leadership skills. They are a positive role model to other rangatahi Māori. Teina: Y9-11 student / Tuakana: Y12-13 student.