
The college has extensive curricular arts programmes that extend and challenge our students to high levels of execution. In line with our school mission which is to be an ‘inclusive and sustainable learning environment, inspiring our learning community to be creative, curious, courageous, and compassionate’, the four Cs in this statement sit at the heart of all our arts courses. In the junior levels we seek to capture the core of the creative and curious individual, giving them as much as we can in the short course time available to connect to how learning explicit artistic skills in the different domains allows them to explore who they are and the world around them by expressing ideas and explorations in the different disciplines.

Courage and compassion

Courage and compassion for others happens within our collaborative environment when our students develop their work. We celebrate our students’ courage to share and show their work at all levels as products are shared within class, at school and within community contexts. As students progress, we build both skilled practitioners in their various domains as well as well-rounded human beings who can explore meaning in the world by communicating through their final products visually and in live performance.

Learning through the arts

All our programmes provide safe spaces for those who want to learn through arts in a general way and apply these skills to life, or for those who want to excel and enter a professional career in the arts field. Our senior programmes are university approved and offer scholarship-level pathways to reach high academic levels in Years 12 and 13.

An extensive range of co- and extra-curricular activities

We offer a vast range of co- and extra-curricular activities that extend beyond the classroom. These activities are tightly connected to our local community thanks to the many community members who share their skills, knowledge and time to support these activities. Extension opportunities include a comprehensive itinerant music programme, an Arts Week in which students share works from all disciplines, the Rockquest and Stagequest competitions, choir, jazz bands and competitions, the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare competition, live and online visual art exhibitions, local visual arts competitions, and opportunities to perform in the national arts festival, ‘The Festival of Colour’, held every two years in April. Each year we support students to select opportunities that work best for them and their personal interests so no two years are the same.

View our course guide

View our course guide to learn more about our arts subjects.