Our school is a place where everyone belongs.
He waka eke noa
We work with our community to create opportunities for our students to grow.
E mahi ngātahi ana mātou ki te hapori kia ākina ai ā māou ākonga ki te piki i te maunga o angitu.
We recognise the value of our unique natural environment and we use it to enrich our students’ learning experience.
E mōhio ana mātou ki te mana o tēnei taiao ahurei, ā, ka tukuna atu ā mātou ākonga kia rongo ai rātou i ngā wheako whakamīharo.
We value what we have in common and recognise that our differences make us stronger.
Ko ō mātou ritenga ka mihia, ko ō mātou rerekētanga tātou e ora ai.
We value our community and the important role it plays in helping our students succeed.
E mihi nui ana ki tā mātou hapori me tā rātou āwhina kia angitu ai ā mātou ākonga.
Toitū te whenua, toitū te tangata.
The land is strong, the people are fulfilled.
Welcome to Te Kura O Tititea Mount Aspiring College (MAC), a co-educational Year 7 to 13 state secondary school located in Wānaka, New Zealand. We are proud to be the community school for the Upper Clutha area and also the chosen school for students from around New Zealand.

Our prospectus

We are proud to share with you this overview of our school. Through a range of exciting and engaging learning experiences and opportunities, our students can achieve their aspirations and be ready for their next step after school.